
Affiliate Marketing Part 3 - Using Article Marketing To Get Targeted Traffic

Pink Patriots Jersey, One of the best ways to find keyword-targeted ideas for articles is to join Pink Patriots Jersey Market Samurai. You simply type in your keyword and Market Samurai will find articles from just as many sources as you could possibly want, such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, and many more.

Why do you need these article ideas? Because when you set up website for any particular affiliate product you wish to promote, visitors do not arrive as if by magic. You have to do something to get visitors (or \'traffic\' as it is usually called). One very good way is by using article marketing.

Article Marketing - A Traffic Magnet
The basic definition of article marketing is:
· Writing an article and submitting it to high page rank (or Pink Patriots Jersey high traffic) article directories. In general the directories are free.
· Other people wish to use your article on their websites.
· You give them permission to do this so long as they keep your resource box untouched. The resource box is where you place your link to your main site.
· When more people use your article then other people click on your link to go to your site. This means better ranking for your site so that you are likely to get more traffic.
· More traffic means more people see your site. When more people see your site you are likely to make more sales.

In summary, more articles mean more targeted viewers. More viewers mean more backlinks. More backlinks mean better ranking in your niche. Better ranking means more traffic. More traffic means more sales. If you write a popular article you may get hundreds of backlinks from just one attempt. Of course, if you write dull or uninformative articles, no matter how many you write people are not going to bother to read them. And then if your resource box is equally uninspiring, no one is going to click through to your site. Both areas have to be good - a good article and a compelling resource box.

Do not at any cost skimp over the resource box. It may be a short part of the whole, but it has to be good. The beginning of a good resource box Pink Patriots Jersey is in the article itself. Do not give your readers everything they could possibly want to know about your topic in the article or there will be no reason for them to click on your link in the resource box to find more.

If your article is about acne and you have 10 tips, don\'t give all ten tips in the article. Instead entitle your article something like \'5 tips to clear acne\', and in your resource box tell the readers they can receive a free report with five even better tips if they click on your link. In addition, if your article is about the use of natural products for acne, then make sure the resource box is a continuation of the theme of the use of natural products. Use a call to action such as \"Click here to get the best possible natural products for clearing acne with a 50% discount.\"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5857052

